Penis Enlargement easily

8 Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises You Have to Try Right NOW!

attractive man with size worriesREMEMBER: This GUIDE Will Show You All the Best EXERCISES Out There! STUDY Them and SHARE Your Results! Number 5 Is ESPECIALLY Popular! These Tips Helped Over 4,092,000 Readers of THE STALLION STYLE!
Do you think that having a bigger penis will lead to a better sex life and more confidence? I say HELL YEAH, you are totally right!
Read carefully, because you are going to discover some of the best exercises that will make your erections bigger, stronger and more satisfying. Simple as that!
Don’t waste your valuable time and money on products that aren’t going to do a single thing. At the very worst, cheap pills and devices can damage your health.

So what’s the solution then? Are there any effective ways to grow your dick that actually work? YUP – there are. The best part is that you can do them at home with your hands only!
BTW: If you want to see 16 proven ways to boost your manhood, do yourself a favor and check out this really popular guide: 16+ Quick Ways to Make Your Penis Bigger Right Now!

James, How Can I Grow It Without Pills and Other Nasty Stuff? – Exercises, Simple as That

#1 – “The Ultimate Stretcher”

Must See Video of Mike Salvini – The Expert on Male Enhancement Workouts – on How Big Gains You Can Expect
A worthwhile tactic for adding inches to your size involves just stretching your flaccid “little buddy” out. You can do this by following 5 simple steps:
  1. Grasp the head of your phallus (glans) firmly. Pay attention not to cut off too much blood circulation (you should not feel any discomfort).
  2. Pull and stretch it outwards in front of you with enough force to feel painless stretch inside the shaft and base of your willy.
  3. Hold it in that position for 10 to 30 seconds.
  4. Rest for a while and then repeat.
  5. Do this daily for 5 to 10 minutes.
Extra tip: You should stretch it to all sides – up in the direction of your stomach, down between your thighs, to the left and the right as well. Do this for the same amount of time as instructed above.

#2 – “The Thumb Stretcher”

Click on the Image Above to Watch the Most Popular Video on Youtube! Over 3,700,000 Views! You Will Really Like It!
Here’s slightly different stretching workout you should add to your regime as well:
  1. Grasp the tip of your “manhood” with one hand.
  2. Hold it firmly, but naturally! Again, do not cut off too much blood circulation or cause yourself any discomfort.
  3. Use your other hand to place thumb at the base of your penis.
  4. Then start to pull it away until you feel that stretch in it.
  5. Hold this position for around 10-15 seconds, then release.
  6. Have a short break and then repeat this whole process again.
  7. You can continue doing this for 2½ up to 5 minutes in one session.
My advice: You can do one or two sessions during the day. I highly suggest using one of the most popular penis extenders for more efficient stretching!

#3 – “The Backwards Method”

This technique is rather dangerous and potentially harmful so seek some advice from professional guides I mention after the 8th technique.
All you need to do in the Backwards Method is to follow these steps:
  1. Pull the skin of your cock backward towards your body with your thumbs.
  2. Your other fingers will be providing support under your shaft.
  3. Hold this position in a firm manner for ten seconds.
  4. Have a short break and then repeat above steps.
  5. All you need should be 5 minutes a day.
For 16 AWESOME and efficient ways to increase the size of your penis, check out my updated guide: 16+ Quick Ways to Make Your Penis Bigger Right Now!

#4 – “The Opposite Pull”

The Opposite Pull exercise
The Opposite pull is an exercise that might make you flinch a little just reading about it! However, make no mistake, as it’s very effective and will increase your size.
All you need to do is just follow 6 simple steps:
  1. With your right hand, grasp the tip of your flaccid phallus.
  2. Put your left hand on the beginning of your base.
  3. Then, as horrifying as it may sound, pull with both hands in opposite directions for 10 seconds at a time.
  4. You should feel the stretching inside of your shaft.
  5. You can take a short break and then repeat.
  6. Do this for 5 minutes a day.
Safety tip: Don’t continue if you feel any pain or discomfort. What is more, don’t do this without proper and detailed guidance by enhancement experts (see the end of 8th technique).

#5 – “The Kegels”

Click on the image to learn more.
Click on the image to learn more.

It’s common knowledge that Kegel exercises are beneficial to women´s health in a variety of ways.
However, very few men know that you can make your dick look larger just by maintaining more control over the erection itself!
All you need to do is the following:
  1. Identify and locate your Pubococcygeus (PC) muscle by trying a method of stopping your urine flow naturally.
  2. Once found, you will need to start contracting the PC muscle daily around 20-30 times.
  3. Once you master these, you should go for more contractions per day and session.
Pay attention: Eventually, you’ll be able to not only feel, but to control the muscle itself! There are various regimes you could try out with the help of a mobile application that is available for free download at the end of this article.
This workout will lead to a noticeable boost in length and girth of your erections as more blood will flow to your dick. Trust me that your girl will be aware of your gains and your rock-hard boners!
You can read more about kegel exercises in my comprehensive guide here. You will discover 5 health benefits of kegels and 4 awesome ways to work out!

EPIC Post – Kegels: A Guide to Better… Everything.

another kegel reddit thread
Click on The Image Above to Read AWESOME Guide on Doing Kegels. You Will Learn a Lot! Check It Out and Then Come Back for More!

#6 – “The Jelqing Method” (Milking)

Watch the Video Above and Learn All About Jelqing, the Ultimate Technique for Improving Length!
Before starting with the sixth workout on this list make sure that you’re already at least semi-erect (between ½ and ¾ of your maximum erection power).
If you do this technique in a flaccid state, you will achieve no gains while doing this with complete boner will result in some tissue and nerve damage!

post eating pussy 101
Click on the image to learn more.

Now you have to follow these steps:
  1. Lubricate yourself a lot (use oil based lube).
  2. With your right hand make an OK sign and grasp the base of your little buddy.
  3. Then “massage” your phallus by pulling your right hand slowly outwards from your base up to its head (pay attention to not jelq your glans as you may lose sensation in it).
  4. Switch your hands and repeat the movement. The benefit of doing this is that you’re trapping and pushing blood from your base to the glans and in that way enlarging the whole size of your shaft.
  5. You can repeat it as much as you please, but I would not go into extreme and recommend to stop as soon as you start to feel any discomfort.
My advice: As a beginner, consider a lower number of repetitions and then increase this amount gradually in one session. By the way, I have published an excellent and easy-to-follow guide on Jelqing.

#7 – “The Circular Rotation”

Click on the image to learn more.
Click on the image to learn more.

This technique is very similar to the first exercise on this list. However, there are some differences you need to pay attention to.
You will need to follow these steps:
  1. Use your right hand to bring your dick outwards.
  2. Grasp your glans firmly but gently.
  3. Then you need to start stretching and rotate your little buddy at the same time.
  4. You should do this for 30 seconds for clockwise direction.
  5. Then you can switch your hands (if you want to) and repeat that movement for another 30 seconds in the counter-clockwise direction.
  6. All this makes for one session, and you can do five a day.
You might want to check out my list of best selling pills that will help you make your penis grow: Top 5 Male Enhancement Pills on the Market.

#8 – “The Weight-Lifter”

Click on the image to learn more.
Click on the image to learn more.

Some experts recommend that you should avoid this method for safety reasons, but if done properly, and in moderation, this exercise can have REALLY positive effects on your penile size.
It has been popularized over the years by Japanese, and it has indeed been proven to work on several occasions. However, it is advisable to try all of the other workouts listed above as first.
Here are 4 tips worth taking into consideration:
  1. Always try this method on your flaccid “manhood”.
  2. Attach a particular weight to it that has been created solely for this purpose (the best are “Bib Hanger” and “LG Hanger“).
  3. This will force it to stretch downwards like in other techniques mentioned here already.
  4. Doing this should make your dick size larger gradually – in a permanent way.
Pay attention: You should consider doing a little more research before attempting this as it’s potentially very harmful!

THE STALLION STYLE Bonus #1 – Penis Exercises to Longer Lasting Erections

Click on the Image Above to Watch the Video by Adina Rivers! Over 6,300,000 Views! You Will Really Like It!

THE STALLION STYLE’s Frequently Asked Questions

man with big cucumberFAQ #1: Why you should want to get a bigger dick?

Well, the question is why shouldn’t you? Doing penis exercises can boost not only your length and girth but even the health of your penis (especially blood circulation and erection quality).
Keep in mind: As long as both you and your partner have a satisfying sex life and are happy with the size or your manhood, there is no need to undergo the lengthy process of “workout sessions”.

FAQ #2: How do these dick exercises really work?

It works on the same principle as gaining new muscle when you work out in the gym. When exercising your muscle (or your penile tissue), you create microtears in your tissue.
Your body then tries to fill in and repair these tearings and promotes cell growth in that area. This way, your muscle grows.
Pay attention: This same principle is valid with regards to penis growth. There are even research studies confirming that traction-based stretching can be permanent.

FAQ #3: Are these exercises safe?

Luckily, the answer is yes – these exercises are completely safe as long as you follow main safety rules (as with any other exercise program):
  • Starting slow and steady is crucial.
  • Never skip warming up and warming down phases.
  • You need to pay attention to the physiological processes and indicators your body shows to you (weak morning erections, soreness, red spots – all signs you should not train that hard).
Pay attention: If you have any health concerns, worries or further questions, do not hesitate to speak with medical professional before you try any new techniques.

FAQ #4: What injuries can I experience?

If you overdo your training session, you can expect that some damage will happen. These are the most common ones:
  • Spotting on the penis head
  • Blisters
  • Penis exhaustion
  • Blood from penis
  • Thrombosed vein
  • Clogged lymph vessels
  • Problems with foreskin
  • Penis not sensitive or overly sensitive
  • Erectile dysfunction
Keep in mind: Even when you work out in the gym and you are forcing yourself too much, you can injure yourself. Working out your penis is the same – overdo it and you are facing an injury.

FAQ #5: How big can I get with using these techniques?

Most guys experience one-inch growth in length and over a half-inch increase in girth pretty easily, but to be honest, you can get as big as you want.
However, your results and the speed at which you will achieve your end goals are individual and depend on following aspects:
  • Workout regime you choose
  • Dedication to routines you choose
  • Your genetic ability to cope with tissue changes
Keep in mind: You can find a lot of guys on forums dedicated to dick enlargement who gained much more than the numbers I have stated above.

FAQ #6: Are the results of your effort permanent?

Luckily, your gains are permanent. Once you reach your desired size, you can stop your exercise regime (under some conditions). However, doing some light penis workouts is good to maintain its proper health, erection quality and growth.
Keep in mind: Once you reach your desired size (phase one), you need to continue with the second phase during which you will make your gains permanent (also known as cementing your gains).

FAQ #7: How fast can I achieve permanent results?

Guys, you need to realize that these manual exercises will not deliver results overnight because we are dealing with a daily growth on a cellular basis. Therefore, achieving first visible gains will take around two to three weeks.
After that time, you should feel much firmer erections while also you should be able to observe first size growth.
However, most guys report that the biggest growth they have experienced was between the third and sixth month of consistent and regular exercising.
Pay attention: You will experience growth even after your sixth month, however, further gains will be a little bit slower.

FAQ #8: Do you have to buy expensive equipment?

Luckily, for a successful and permanent size gains, you do not have to buy anything as long as you have two healthy hands. However, various tools and devices dedicated to male enhancement will make the whole process faster and much more comfortable.
Here are the best devices you can consider getting your hands on:
  • Hydro-based penis pumps (I recommend Bathmate or Penomet) that will allow for a workout session while you take a shower or bath.
  • Penis extenders (my top three choices would be SizeGeneticsMale Edge or JesExtender, and Phallosan Forte) that will stretch your penis under your clothes while you do your daily activities.
Keep in mind: You can achieve good results even without these devices as long as you do manual exercises (explained in this article) consistently and correctly. However, it will take you more time and effort.

FAQ #9: How about pills? Will they enlarge your penis?

Sadly, an answer to this question is not a definitive YES or NO. Let me explain this a little bit more. There is no magic pill that will make your penis grow permanently on its own.
If you have problems with erection and poor blood flow into your penis, then you may feel that after taking penis enlargement pills your penis has grown. In reality, you have only reached your maximum penis size thanks to more blood coming to your penis (because of improved blood flow).
However, many guys point out the positive role of taking male enhancement pills during your workout session as a nutritional support for achieving even better results faster.
Pay attention: I have reviewed a lot of male enhancement pills on the market these days and the best brand I have stumbled upon is called Male Extra. I highly recommend it as a nutritional support while doing penis exercises for faster and even better results.

THE STALLION STYLE Bonus #2 – Further Resources

banana with measuring tape
  1. Your Penis Didn’t Come With a Manual. Here is one – on Here is great guide to your male organ, you will learn how to boost penis growth, how to maintain a hard erection and other vital stuff you need to learn about. This site has a really bad design, but the info there is golden.
  2. How to Make Your Penis Larger Without Taking Pills – on This is a great article on getting a bigger dick without using pills. It’s an interesting piece with 5 simple tips for making it grow. Go check it out.
  3. 6 Best Penile Exercises To Increase Size – on Denise Baptiste offers cool advice on how to increase penis size using 6 simple exercises. You might want to read it and then come back here to continue your sex related education.
  4. Opinion on penis size, from a call girl. – on An interesting discussion on the topic of penile size and sexual satisfaction from a call girl’s perspective. There are some surprising conclusions you would want to read.
  5. The best sex tips you’ll ever hear — from a man with no penis – on Now this is great article written by Tracy Clark-Flory on what matters and what doesn’t. Check it out and let me know what you think.
  6. I’m a gay guy who does penis enlargement exercises. AMA – on Everybody loves Reddit, right? This is one great Ask Me Anything discussion with an expert on male anatomy and sex with the same sex.
  7. Here’s How A Friend Of Mine Made His Penis Permanently Larger, No, Seriously – on Wow, wow, wow, you have to read this piece of content by Johnny Dollar. You will learn a lot. See for yourself!
KEEP IN MIND – This is just a short description of individual workouts. You can find more specific details in other articles on TheStallionStyle website. In case you do them incorrectly, you may see no size difference, and you probably will end up harming yourself!
If you wish to read more about various tips that will help you increase your size, consult this piece of content here: 16+ Quick Ways to Make Your Penis Bigger Right Now! or read this newest guide: Small Penis? Here Is What to Do About It


Hey folks! I am James (a.k.a. Stallion) and I want to make this THE GREATEST place for every guy to master the arts of love, dating and attraction! I am young, free and my motto is "Carpe Diem".


  1. Hi James, just stumbled on your website after searching for information on exercises to enlarge your cock. You’ve obviously done a good job in Google’s eyes with this article to rank so well.
    The article is well written, and provides some useful advice for those men who may be seeking a little extra size down below. The problem is, that as good as this type of generalized “one size fits all” information is for beginners, it doesn’t provide a safety net for injury and the scope for real success.
    The cock, with all its delicate nerves and blood vessels, can be damaged easily if care is not taken. What is more, the enlargement advice is all too readily available across the net. Young men find this advice, and then start yanking their crank the wrong way, desperate to add these fabled easy inches that websites talk about. They often end up causing thrombosis or partial impotence and then its a trip to the doctors office and then the urologists.
    In my humble opinion, this type of advice should be left to the professionals, as a working cock is more important than a large broken one.
    • I like the info and definitely will pass it onto my lover. Not that he needs these, but I’m all about extending our pleasure zone. ;0
    • You make a really good and honest point here Richard. I think this is a fine article when looking for a quick overview of some natural penis enlargement exercises, but it doesn’t really explore in any detail the possible risks and factors pertaining to actual success rate. Unfortunately, the latter data is not really existent from what I have seen around the net (and in scientific journals). I think it would be beneficial for people with real concerns about their penis size to consult a professional like a family doctor for advice. Maybe they have more experience with treating these sorts of conditions.
      • Guys, I totally agree with you. Therefore, I have explicitly stated that this is just a brief overview of available techniques and that if anyone want to try these, he should look for consultation with some special guide or medical professional.
  2. I bet just giving yourself a good warm-up stretch before the big game is important… you have to do it with any other exercise. Why not this one???
  3. There might be many methods for gaining inches. There are lot of practices to boost your length, if you’re prepared to work for it. What is more, there are many pills in the market of various brands. There are also creams which are to be applied directly on your little buddy for better results as well.
    • Nick thank you for your contribution. However, I doubt the effectiveness of pills and creams. But yes, there is a wide variety for you to choose from on the current market.
  4. I disagree with Richard, I dont think it is that easy to injure your penis as long as you are careful and remember if its hurting it is probably a good idea to stop.
    • Ok but I am satisfied without any exercise. My length (6.5″) and width are very good together with stamina and my wife is happy with me.
      • That is the most important thing! If you and your wife are happy with your size (no matter how big or small you are) then there is no point in making it grow.
  5. Ive heard many people say these techniques don’t work but im fairly sure ive had some small gains 🙂 After all if you work out other parts of the body they get bigger.
  6. Is there a limit as such to how much you can grow yourself or if you do it over years will your penis keep getting bigger? And if I stop will it shrink back to the original measurements?
    • As far as I am concerned, these gains should be permanent. That is amazing. As long as you will work out regularly, you should see the gains. However, as you will grow bigger, your progress will slow down a little bit.
  7. When you mention weights are there any in particular or do you just find say a household item like a tin of beans or something, and which part of your phallus do you attach them to and for how long? Sorry if this seems like a ton of questions i just don’t want to injure the little man.
    • To be honest, I have absolutely no idea. However your comment made me think that I need to deal more with this issue. I will try to upload new info on this as soon as possible.
  8. I never realised there were so many different techniques to boost your member, lets hope i dont get addicted to these hehe 🙂
    • I bet such an addiction would be much more healthier than smoking :).
      However, these are just a small collection of the most general workouts. There are many more techniques out there.
  9. This may sound like a silly question but if you keep stretching your dick will it loose girth as it gets longer?
  10. Is there any workout program like in weight lifting or can you do these everyday? or do you alternate between individual techniques on different days/ have a rest day to recover?
    • Hey Kieren,
      Yes there are programs and guides that will provide you with regular regimen. There are called Penis Enlargement Bible and Penis Advantage. I have written reviews for both of these and I bet you will find these interesting.
  11. Im quite large already but i kind of have an obsession with being bigger, i dont think i would ever be happy with my little buddy in all honesty.
  12. First off, I appreciate this free advice dude! I’ve always been curious to know about penis enlargement exercises, and now i have several to choose from.
    Secondly, I tried the Kegels and they didn’t seem to work. But the Stretching It Out exercise did add a little something after 3 weeks. It seems like such common knowledge, but I never thought to make it a part of my daily routine.
  13. I am not really all that small, and am over the average length, but I was looking into doing these techniques mainly to strengthen myself for better pleasure.
    To be honest, I knew about the Kegels, but never realized that there were so many different ones that you could be doing in order to help yourself out. I do think that a lot of these are very generalized and may not work for everyone, and some may feel better than others, but if you are looking to experiment a little bit then I would definitely recommend trying some that are listed by James.
    Just please take care, and don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right, or you will end up hurting yourself.
  14. I think kegel is the way to go. I heard of men doing the stretching method to increase their size, but I hear that’s more temporary than anything else. With these, you at least build your muscle in the penile region. It truly does make a difference when you can last much longer when your muscle can take it.
  15. The opposite directions method sounds really displeasing to me. haha! But if it can work, I’ll give it at least one try. I haven’t ever done kegel exercises, but that seems like the most logical and safest way to increase size and or the power of your erections. I’m afraid to try some of the others to be perfectly honest with you all.
  16. Ya know it’s hard to decide what type of penis enlargement to choose from. There are too many out there and trying to find the right one without spending countless dollars on different ideas or products sucks! Digg in this post great ideas and a great place to start. There is a bunch of stuff here I never thought of! Crazy to admit but much needed advice here!! You even included some details!!
  17. I tried jelqing once, and I did not like it one bit. I kept worrying that I’d pull a muscle or do something that’ll effect the sensation, so I stopped after the first time. Now pumping my PC muscle, this is great I think. I haven’t done much of them, but I will start including them in my daily schedule. I might look into the other techniques too, but this seems to be safest.
  18. Oh no way am I doing the weight method. Tying anything onto my junk is scary enough, but tying the end to a weight, that just isn’t going to happen. I do wonder how it feels, but I can’t fathom it being safe for your phallus. I’m going to stick to doing kegels, mainly because that’s safe and I don’t risk injuring myself doing it.
  19. I actually prefer jelqing to others. It may sound unsafe to some, but it actually seems to work for me. I was worried at first like many of you, but if you do it properly and don’t push too hard, you should be safe. I also notice my erection is stronger, so that’s an added bonus.
    As for some of the others, doing kegels are fine, however I have never tried the weight method, and I think I tried the circular rotation method, but I don’t remember if I liked it or not, probably not.
  20. Hmm, I have not tried any of these methods and I am quite interested in trying them now. Not so sure about the weight method, sounds very dangerous. I imagine it has to be a weight that’s really small. Jelqing sounds like something I’d try at least once, and I heard of kegel exercises before, but I never done them.
    I have a lot of work to do this weekend.
  21. I’ve been viewing this site for a while now, and this is the first time I’ve decided to post a comment. I want to say thanks to you for all the helpful tips you’ve posted on this site since I started coming to it. I have been looking at every article I can and I’ve learned a lot of good things from this.
    As for this article in particular, I have no done much of anything to my manhood, to increase its size that is. I am interested in what seems to be the safest, which is obviously the kegel exercises, and hey, some of those exercises out there might help you lose weight, what more can you ask for?
  22. Alright, I’ve been using many techniques to add inches, used penis pumps, done kegels, jelqing, and even used the weight method. The best method out of those I think, was doing kegels. I normally didn’t bother with any method to gain size, I was decent in bed, but I noticed the ladies I dated weren’t too much into the length I had, so I started trying methods to boost it.
    • Congrats on gaining some size. I too prefer to use kegels, it just feels right to me, plus I don’t seem to get any benefits from the other methods listed. How big in size did you gain? I haven’t really noticed a size increase yet, but I notice I have lasted longer in bed, so I got that going for me.
  23. The backwards method, while a bit more risky than some, has worked the best so far to give me stable and solid results. I have definitely seen noticeable gains after doing this for a couple of weeks.
    I have not tried the majority of the PE techniques here, is there one that you feel will work well for improving girth? I have heard good things about Kegal exercises for women but never knew there was such a method for men too – I will give that one a try next I think.
  24. I’m not a fan of working out, but these were simple enough to get me feeling confident AND big. That’s a great feeling.
  25. I think is very good to do this workout. Just try people do not stop once you start doing these. For me these are working really good i am doing my best everyday in my bed and i can see in girlfriend eyes that she look very happy with me. Ok guys, only the best for all! Your Dax Gilgamesh.
  26. Tried a couple this past week and they WORK LIKE A CHARM. My lady is completely satisfied. AMAZING. Thanks. -B
  27. As a woman, I find some of these enlargement exercises to be crazy! I mean, weight lifting with your cock? That just sounds uncomfortable. Glad you put the little warning out there that it could potentially lead to serious injuries. While it certainly might grow your member, it’ll likely damage your ability to use it. No woman wants to sleep with a guy who can’t even get it up. We don’t care what it looks like flaccid, and a lot of us don’t care what it looks like at all! So long as it works and isn’t at some extreme level of size (either too big or too small).
  28. I’ve done a few of these workouts, but I think it’s safe to say that my favorite is probably the kegel exercise. For some reason I prefer not using any weird contraptions like penis pumps. It just seemed to be the safest to me and I prefer safer. For me it seemed to work fairly well, I did increase in size a bit, so that’s saying something.
  29. I am interested in trying some of these, but the weight method sounds seriously dangerous and crazy. What size weight would I have to use? Where would you even find weights like that anyways? Having anything tied to my penis is just not something I’m willing to try.
  30. Kegel exercises work very well, the rest are just scary. I’ve heard of attaching weights to your penis, I will not do that, I heard of stretching out, not doing that. I like simplistic, and anything that can possible hurt me is something I will not try.
    If you want to give it a shot though, I say go for it. I’m sure it’s safe if you do it properly, but I just wouldn’t do it myself.
  31. Huh, I never knew you could increase your size by doing penis workouts. I remember hearing kegels, but I didn’t know it was for men as well. I might have to give that a shot. Some of the workout methods are kind of weird, like adding weights. Just seems unsafe, but if it works for you, more power to you man.
  32. All of these are great ways of increasing size, I’ve tried some of them from the weight method, the circular rotation and kegel exercises. All have given me some results, maybe in combining all of these methods it has helped me increase size. I recommend you guys out there to give it a shot.
    • Hey Earl,thank you for providing us with your feedback. To be honest, gaining inches requires a complex approach that should combine many techniques. Therefore it is best for you to obtain some guide or program to follow.
  33. Hi,
    This is an apology, because when the messages asking for a like or a follow pop up, I honestly really do want acknowledge this website, but I simply cannot due to the nature of the website itself. I want to say that it has been extremely helpful in pleasuring my woman, and I sincerely hope that you do get support from people who aren’t as sensitive to the opinions of others around them.
    Thanks you for the amazing information and for putting up this extremely useful site,
    • Hey Anon. You are welcome. Let me thank you for such kind words. I really appreciate it and I hope you are enjoying reading through my posts. By the way, you can subscribe to this website and receive email every time I publish new article here.
  34. Dude, i have to say,, i have tried some of those exercises. and it DOES NOT make any difference, Im getting frustrated in finding a new way of making IT larger. Im starting to think that most of those guys just making new ::PRoGRam just for a quick buck.. tsk tsk tsk…
    • Well the outcomes are really individual. Some see fast result, some see small results and some none (very few cases though if you exercise regularly and do these workouts properly).
  35. Penis enlargement is a very scientific thing and if you really want to make gains in the range of 1-2 inches, you certainly must follow a highly advanced penis enlargement program. There is no way you can achieve this with some basic exercises. You need to know exactly what you are doing and exercise technique is everything.
  36. Kegel exercises are my preferred method simply because I feel it’s by far more safer to do. I normally worry too much about trying the stretching exercises, mainly because it scares me to do that. I might give it a try and see if it helps me or not, but I am not going to do it for too long.
  37. Some of these techniques sound overly dangerous, the weight exercise is something I will pass on completely. Jelqing and kegel workouts are what I’m going to try out. The rest just don’t really appeal to me in any way.
  38. Since I’m quite fat, I wont be able to do some of these workouts. I can do kegel and maybe the weights methods. And I’ll do so until I lose more weight, and once I do I will try to use every one of these methods at least once.
  39. true for some works it depends the skin i bought a penis pump and only works for a minute like an erection naturally,hope one day the true come outs with no pain
  40. hi, im kinda new to this stuff, can anyone tell me how many types of exercise each day? All of the above? or 1 exercise for each day? thanks
  41. Hi , Sorry for this stupid but simple and important question.. umh this exercises really work?? or is just publicity? all the coments bellow are real? have you been tried these excersises? sorry for asking i hope you read this
  42. sorry to brag but im 18 and i have a 8 inch penis and i dnt want a longer penis just a thicker one and their any exercises i can use to gain more girth
  43. Just curious, should I do all of these 8 line items? Or I can just choose one? And that could probably help, hopefully?
  44. And by the way, how many days would it probably that I would get a result? (ya know even just a little result)
  45. Ill try this exercise im asian and hav small penis my ex gf break me cos my buddy so small 🙁hope it works. Btw dude to this exercise no age limit? coz im 22 now. if this work omg my ex got so much drool haha 🙁
  46. Omg it works for me dude i hav result for only 4days my penis before is 2inch only (not erect) and now 2.5 inch(not erect) btw before i jelq i eat more healthy food and drink and take some vitamins. Oh Gawddd guys try it. 😀
  47. im really having a problem with my penis and refuse to try pills so can any one tell me is this honestly worth trying i gotta do some my woman is going to leave me
  48. Whilst I am not too convinced that the weight method is the best course of action, I do believe that some of these are definitely worth trying. I have been suffering with an average sized penis for too long, and I think that I could benefit from some of the exercises mentioned.
  49. Some awesome advice here dude! I am going to start trying the Kegel method, as I heard that it can also make you last longer in bed, and prevent yourself from cumming too quickly when necessary. Also, it seems to be one of the safest methods around too, so why not? 🙂
  50. I have tried so many products in the past that have promised results in the past, but simply not been effective in any way… I hope that these natural exercises will do some good, as I am tired of my penis size and want change.
  51. I have been tempted in the past to opt in for various types of surgery in order to increase the size of my penis, however the details of these procedures often make me run out of the operation theatre. I am far more comfortable with the idea of doing natural exercises to increase my length, and the safer they are, the better in my opinion!
  52. In all my time researching how to improve penile length, I do not think that I have ever come across the circular motion exercise that you mentioned. I will be sure to give this one a go, as I am always up for trying out new methods. Cheers!
  53. It works I jelq for 1month 3-4 times in 1 week only and i got result
    My penis before 2.2 flaccid 3.5 errect and now 2.5 flaccid & 3.9 errect. btw my daily routine is #1, #2, #6, #7ツ I wanna try jelqing for 6months straight and my goal is 6″ or 7″ 🙂
    • That is amazing to read. I am glad you have managed to increase your size gradually. I bet that you will reach your goal sooner or later. Keep doing these regularly.
      • I stop jelq. For 2Months coz busy working and now i start again. after 1 week i got result again my fully erect before is 3.9 and now 4.4 amazing ツ
  54. Kegel and Jelqing sound like the best of the bunch to be honest. I can’t say I am too fond of the stretch method as I have tried and I feel like I’m going to mess something up down there. But yeah, I will look into some of these other methods as well.
  55. I am really interested in just trying anything available to me. I am interested in trying the kegel exercise as it sounds very simple, but the rotation and even the weight lifting option if all else fails me.
  56. Thanks for sharing all these techniques James. I appreciate any help I can get these days. I will be honest when I say that I actually used some of these methods in the past. The big one was the weight lifting method and I will say, it did work. But I started feeling pain when I got erections, so I stopped. I’m going to try some of the other methods and see where they take me.
  57. I haven’t tried any of these exercises because I fear I’ll hurt myself. But I am really interested in giving anything a shot right now. I will stay away from the weight option as I just can’t fathom tying anything around my junk and letting it pull it down like that. But I am interested in giving some of these other methods a shot.
  58. There are so many interesting workouts to increase the size of the penis. I had no idea you could actually increase the size of the penis after you got to a certain age. This makes me quite happy indeed. 😀
    • Sure you can, but it requires dedication and persistence. If you are interested more in this issue, then go through many of my articles that will provide you with great advice.
  59. Wow, I had no idea there was this many techniques to gain length in my penis. I am looking for anything out there that can help me, as my size can use an upgrade for sure. Thanks for the info!
  60. Hey james, want to say thanks for sharing all of this. You’ve helped so much ever since I frequented this site months ago. I have tried all of these exercises and the best ones are kegel exercises and the stretching technique. It’s worked so well for me.
  61. Like any guy I want to increase length, but I’m average in length, and I’m happy with that but I’m more focused on getting girth, what methods are the quickest and most efective for girth?
    • As far as I am concerned for girth works great water based penis pumps like penomet or bathmate. Or you can try modified jelqing method that I am writing about in article on this site.
  62. I have tried a few things here and there to increase the size of my penis, but those actions did not work for me. I am willing to give anything a try at least for a while to see if it works. I will try some of these soon, first on the list is jelqing or however you spell it. Then I will try the weight lifting option if that doesn’t work for me.
  63. Isn’t number 1 basically fapping, but more forcefully hahaha XD I dunno, I myself will try to combine business with pleasure with these ones xD
  64. Weight lifting with your dick…are you serious? Do you want cavernous ruptures? Dude, you should know better than to promote harmful practices like this one…
    I mean the rest are cool, but this is potentially harmful as fuck…
    • Sure it is dangerous. Therefore I have stated that and emphasized in my article. And I highly motivate readers to make much more research into this method before trying it out.
  65. Jelqing worked for me, I’d definitely recommend it. The changes aren’t miraculous, but they’re definitely noticeable. I also like that it’s a super safe method, so you shouldn’t worry about hurting yourself
  66. Wow, I never knew Kegels could be so versatile. My pregnant wife does them to help with her birth and urinary tract (i guess?). Guess I’ll have to give them a try myself now!
  67. Thanks, man! I always wanted to find a list of these. I want my penis to be larger, but I just don’t want to pop pills or do crazy stuff to get it. I mean, I want it big, but I’m not that desperate. These seem like the natural, no harm done thing I’ve always looked for :d
  68. Looks legit but weight lifting Jesus size isnt everything I like a man who knows how to use his cock other than a huge guy who causes more pain than pleasure.
    • That is really hard to tell as it highly depends on the individual physique. I have read a lot about this issue and I can say that these exercises work different for every individual. So sadly I can not answer your question. The time depends as well on how many inches you want to gain…
    • You can feel this sensation however, if it persist then you may be doing something wrong and should consult some more concrete advice on how to precisely do these workouts.
  69. The trick though with penis exercises is that you have to make sure that you remain semi erect the whole time. Most men have a lot of trouble with this — I mean, you’re either soft or rock hard, how do you stay semi erect? It’s not easy but if you can get it happening for you these techniques will get enhancement results for you.
  70. My boyfriend doesn’t know that I want him to be a little bit bigger how can I help him with out him knowing
  71. My boyfriend doesn’t know that I want him to be a little bit bigger how can I help him with out him knowing
  72. Hello james
    Does doing stretching and jelqing can make the throat sore? Is it natural or m doing the exercise in wrong way?
    Does kegels may have pain in upper abdomen in the earlier days?
  73. Hello james
    Does doing stretching and jelqing can make the throat sore? Is it natural or m doing the exercise in wrong way?
    Does kegels may have pain in upper abdomen in the earlier days?
  74. You can not permanently Increase the size of your penis, that is impossible on a practical level. You can gain some temporary increased size with these methods, weights and pumps. It’s temporary. Never forget that! Accept yourself for who you are. If you find someone who loves you from the heart, it doesn’t matter if you have a 3 or 8 inch penis. True love is about understanding and compassion. Try to be happy for what you have…
    • Having bigger penis increase ur self-confidence. How can u find the best person when ur afraid to try cause u know u won’t be satisfing in bed and won’t make the best first impression.
    • Having bigger penis increase ur self-confidence. How can u find the best person when ur afraid to try cause u know u won’t be satisfing in bed and won’t make the best first impression.
  75. You can not permanently Increase the size of your penis, that is impossible on a practical level. You can gain some temporary increased size with these methods, weights and pumps. It’s temporary. Never forget that! Accept yourself for who you are. If you find someone who loves you from the heart, it doesn’t matter if you have a 3 or 8 inch penis. True love is about understanding and compassion. Try to be happy for what you have…
  76. Is 8.2 inches at 16 years old too long?
    ‘Cause some of my ex were afraid of making love for their first time
  77. Is 8.2 inches at 16 years old too long?
    ‘Cause some of my ex were afraid of making love for their first time
  78. Hello, James. I’ve just started doing this excercises. I do every one excluding #5 and #8. Do I overtrain and if I do, then tell me which one I would exclude too, because I don’t want all of this to be just a waste of time.
  79. Hello, James. I’ve just started doing this excercises. I do every one excluding #5 and #8. Do I overtrain and if I do, then tell me which one I would exclude too, because I don’t want all of this to be just a waste of time.
  80. Ive done the same exercises everyday for a month and some change. I’ve seen a little increase, but not much. Is there something I should do different or just keep doing what I’m doing?
  81. It’s so good to be here am single and I want to satisfy my husband someday how do I keep my penis big for ever
  82. The use of the word “permanent” in this article, and the comments posted by the author, is completely fallacious. Your penis does not grow with any of these methods. You are simply STRETCHING the tissue and blood vessels. You are NOT stimulating new cell development.
    As with any stretching exercise, the effects are only temporary, and within a couple of months of cessation, your penis will be back to its original size. Consider that even with working out, for example, when your body actually creates NEW TISSUE, If you decide to stop working out then, with time, your body will also lose the new tissue it had created because it no longer has any need for it. You will revert back to your original size.
    That basically means in order to see a size increase to your penis, you must commit to doing these moves FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE or until you decide your penis size doesn’t matter.
    Are you men really all that insecure about your penis size? Perhaps you should watch less porn and go read an article on how to actually satisfy a woman. The trick to doing this is not in how big your penis is.
    Also, James, Well done on writing an article preying on mens insecurities, and misleading them to get as many page hits as possible. Really solid move. “As far as I’m concerned, these gains should be permanent” As far as you’re concerned.. Strong conviction. No gains are permanent if you stop working out, not the gains that are from your body actually CREATING NEW CELLS, and definitely not the gains from frequent stretching

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